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Allagash Tripel


Craft Belgian

This strong golden ale carries herbal notes and passion fruit in the aroma. Suggestions of honey and biscuit are found in the beer's complex, varied palate. Brewed with Allagash's 2-row barley blend, hopped with Nugget and Hallertau, then fermented on the house yeast, Tripel lingers on the palate for a complex, dry finish.

Pairs great with: Crab Cakes, Stilton Cheese, Fresh Fruit

Available Year-Round
Counties sold in Berks, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Lancaster, Montgomery, Philadelphia
Package type 1/6 keg, 12 oz bottle
Keg Connector American Sankey
Origin Portland, Maine, USA
Hops Hallertau. Nugget
ABV 9.0%
IBU 30
Color Golden
Glassware Tulip