During his 21 years with Origlio Beverage, Vinny Passalacqua has held many positions, from breakage to night picker, driver and receiver. Passalacqua believes that to be a top-notch warehouseman, as with most jobs, you need to show up on time every day and work hard. Because he sometimes finds it challenging to deal with co-workers, Passalacqua’s advice for someone starting out as a warehouseman… “Don’t be selfish. Think about what you’re doing and how it affects those around you.”
What do you like most about your position? Payday. Hahaha.
Any favorite winter activities? I enjoy hunting in the colder months.
The last TV show you binged was… YOU.
If you had your own talk show, who would your first three guests be, past or present? Shakira, as well as Nichole Fitzgerald & Amina Abdallah (both Origlio employees).
Name three things on your bucket list. I would love to go to the British Open, but fly fishing in Montana and a trip to Italy would also be on my list.
If you could be anywhere, drinking any beer… I’d be at my buddy’s mountain house drinking an ice-cold Corona.