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Rich Diviny

Delivery Service Representative

Currently a Delivery Service Representative (DSR), Rich Diviny began his career at Origlio 13 years ago as a Driver’s Helper, moving up to DSR in 2016 after earning his CDL through an in-house program. As a DSR, Diviny delivers to all five counties in Origlio Philadelphia’s footprint. Known for his exceptional customer service, Diviny believes communication and patience are crucial to succeed in his position. Balancing the challenges of traffic, tight schedules, and account demands can be stressful, but he has a winning perspective on the challenges he faces daily. “Patience is as important on the road as it is with customers,” he says, noting that understanding the stress customers are under is equally important.

What do you like to do when not working? I really enjoy my children’s sporting events, and I love to take them sledding when it snows.

The last TV show you binged was… The Sopranos.

Your favorite movie of all time is… Goodfellas.

If you had your own talk show, who would your first three guests be? Mike Schmidt, Sportscaster Harry Kalas, and former Professional Baseball Player, Coach, and Manager Charlie Manuel.

What are three things on your bucket list? Winning the jackpot lottery, attending a Stanley Cup parade for the Flyers, and vacationing in Hawaii with my wife.

What is the best advice you have ever received? If you’re on time, you’re late. Always be early!

If you could be anywhere, drinking any beverage from Origlio’s portfolio… I’d be on the beach in Hawaii, with a Corona Light in one hand and a White Rich Diviny Russian in the other.