Hired as a Delivery Helper 10 years ago, Joel Benigno is now a Delivery Service Representative (DSR) in Chester County. According to Benigno, establishing good relationships with accounts is the foundation of customer service excellence. Echoing the sentiments of his colleagues, Benigno says traffic is the toughest part of his job, but the friendship he has with his co-workers makes his day more enjoyable. To be a top-notch DSR Benigno recommends a mindset of “patience and adaptability.” And when asked what advice he would give to a new DSR, Benigno says he would tell them to, “do as your told, be positive and don’t complain.” Nobody likes a whiner.
Do you have any favorite winter activities? I enjoy hunting in the colder months.
The last TV show you binged was… Shameless.
Your favorite movie of all time is… Gone in 60 Seconds.
If you had your own talk show, who would your first three guests be, past or present? Kevin Hart, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Mark Wahlberg.
What are three things on your bucket list? Go skydiving, win the Powerball and travel to the islands.
What is the best life or career advice you’ve ever received? Keep your head up and don’t look back.
What is your biggest pet peeve? Lazy people – specifically those who don’t want to work.
If you could be anywhere, drinking any adult beverage… I’d be in Hawaii drinking anything from Allagash.