Almost four years ago, Jake Hess started his career at Origlio Reading as a Merchandiser. After learning the ropes, he became an off-premise sales rep servicing Berks and Lehigh Counties. His days are filled with selling new packages, competing for primary display spots & cooler space in accounts, ordering signage and assisting customers with issues, but being out in the market makes his days fly by.
What advice would you give to someone just starting out as a sales rep? My advice would be to develop good relationships with your accounts. It makes selling so much easier when your customer trusts you.
Do you have any favorite winter activities? Spending quality time with my family during the holidays and watching football.
The last TV show you binged was… Ozark.
Your favorite movie of all time is… Good Will Hunting.
If you had your own talk show, who would your first three guests be, past or present? Troy Polamalu, Adam Sandler and Shane Gillis.
What are three things on your bucket list? Travel to San Diego, go to Oktoberfest in Germany and attend a Steelers playoff game.
What is the best life or career advice you’ve ever received? Do what you say you’ll do. Keeping your promises will earn you a lot of respect.
What is your biggest pet peeve? Getting stuck in traffic… especially in a time crunch!
If you could be anywhere, drinking any adult beverage… I’d be at the beach drinking an ice-cold Modelo