Fritzi Bennett began her career at Origlio 25 years ago. She started as a sales rep in high-profile Philadelphia and learned the business inside and out before being promoted to Chain Account Manager. In her current role, she manages the sports and music venues, casinos, airports and airlines for all nine counties in Origlio’s footprint. She also oversees the restaurant chain activity and coordinates beer festivals.
What do you like most about your position? I love dealing with our customers.
What is the most challenging part of your job? Finding time to get it all done.
What does it take to be a top-notch Chain Account Manager? Organization and availability.
What do you like to do when you’re not working? I enjoy baking/ cooking, working in my garden and traveling.
If you had your own talk show, who would your first three guests be, past or present? Betty White, Brad Pitt (who wouldn’t) and Clint Eastwood.
What are three things on your bucket list? I would love to visit Australia, New Zealand and Turks and Caicos – pretty much just travel.
Do you have any favorite holiday traditions or activities? I love to bake cookies for Christmas and make handmade gifts with my niece, Ava.
If you could be anywhere, drinking any alcoholic beverage… I’d be in Italy drinking white wine.